Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brinkley adopted!

Brinkley has found his forever home with Sue C. of Oceanside. Brinkley came into rescue at the age of 15 and celebrated his 16th birthday on January 14th. He is enjoying life, living it to the fullest, and an absolute joy to Sue and her household. I want to thank the animal control officer that actually found Brinkley wandering on the streets and was compassionate enough to contact us, support us with donations and care for him until he came into rescue. His owners finally came in on his last day and identified him, but did not take him home. He has touched so many hearts during his journey through our organization.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Suzee looking good after surgery

I went to visit with Suzee today and was so happy to see how well she was doing.  She has had the mammary glands on one side removed and drains have been put in. Suzee is such a sweet little girl and is doing well.   Thank you for caring.  I will be updating her information in a few more days.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Suzee recovering from surgery!

I received a call this morning to tell me that when the bandages were removed today, she looked so much better with the fresh tissue and no more infection. They elected to do the major mammary removal surgery today, put drains in and start her on the healing process.  They called this afternoon to tell me that she had come out of the anesthetic and was doing fine for this much work. I will try to go see her on Friday and take more pictures. When the vet feels she is ready, she will go to a foster home to recover until we can spay her.  That may take a couple months for all the tissue to heal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Suzee update (WARNING: graphic photos)

Suzee had her bandages removed under sedation today.  The vet asked me to document how extensive this damage was on this girl.  He could not believe that she didn't appear sicker and show more pain.  Yes, we have her on antibiotics and pain killers but this is extensive.  After he debrided the infected skin and tissue, he carefully cleaned and rinsed all the area.  The last picture that shows the cleaned up area really does look so much better than when she was first unwrapped. She was then wet packed, rewrapped, bandaged and reversed the anesthetic. I stood there shaking my head in dismay but hopefully, she will recuperate and have a long, happy life.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Little Suzee: horrific case of necrotizing mastitis

Today we took little Suzee into rescue with Necrotizing Mastitis.  She delivered 10 puppies 5 weeks ago and then developed an infection in her mammary glands that had not been properly treated.  By the time we received her she was in horrible condition.  We are happy that she came directly into rescue instead of being left at a shelter as she would not have survived.  This picture is showing you what a happy little girl she is even with this horrible wound in her abdomen.  She is 2 years old and way too young to have experienced so much trauma.    When the bandages that are shown on her are removed, you will see the work that the vet had to deal with.