Thursday, March 31, 2011

Madeleine's video

Madeleine's leg amputated

After much discussion with our vet and several orthopedic vets, it was determined the best option for Madeleine was to remove her leg. Although she was able to get around on it now, as she grew it would cause problems and put pressure on other joints. Repairing the leg would require several painful surgeries, months of physical therapy and a low probability of the leg ever being normal. So, on Tuesday Madeleine’s leg rear leg was amputated. This little trooper is already up and around and, according to her foster mom, doesn’t even seem to notice it is gone! She needs to take it easy for a week or so, which may be tough for Maddie! Click here to watch video.

A kiss for my foster dad
Relaxing outside
After surgery

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tiana visits the vet for a re-check

I was able to visit with Tiana today when she came into the vets for a recheck. She is healing well but still needs several more weeks before we can pull the pin in her leg. Dr. Kelpe checked her today and said she was doing very well in her recovery. The break was more extensive than if we had been able to repair it right after the initial break. It had been almost 2 weeks since the break had occurred before we could bring her into rescue. She's a happy girl, in the process of getting all her big girl teeth and was happily greeted by everyone at the vets clinic when she came in. She also had a visit from the volunteer, Suzanne, who had run to the shelter to pick her up for us. She could not believe how much she has grown already.

Thanks for caring.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Madeleine relinquished to Rescue

Madeleine is a 4-month-old little girl who was turned over to rescue after her broken leg failed to heal properly and her owners weren’t able to sell her. Her left femur was broken when she 6-1/2 weeks old, after getting caught in a fence she was trying to climb over. The family noticed she wasn’t using her leg the next day and took her to the vet. The doctor attempted to fix the break, but it hasn’t healed correctly and she cannot bend her knee. We are currently evaluating whether we will be able to save her leg with additional surgery and should know more in the next few days. In the meantime, Maddie is a happy, friendly girl who doesn’t let her disability get her down. She enjoys playing with the other dogs in her foster home and cuddling with her foster parents. Madeleine update, click here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tiana update

Tiana came back to the vet's for a recheck, to get her Rabies shot and complete her puppy shots today. She is doing very well, putting weight on her leg and recovered from her slight respiratory infection. While she was at the vet's the stitches were removed and she had a bath. The plan now is that she have another 4 weeks of healing and then a recheck. Dr. Kelpe will determine at that time if and when the pin will be removed.

Tiana sends her thanks for all your support and caring.