Friday, May 23, 2014

Spud gets much needed care

Spud recently joined our Rescue family after he was surrendered to a local shelter by his family because they were moving out of state and their plans didn’t include him. He is a very sweet 8 yr. old boy who hasn’t had the best of care. He is very dirty, has severe ear infections, and has some sort of growth on his eyelid. While Spud is confused at the moment, we all know that things are looking up for him. Despite his infected ears, he is happy for attention, and will give you his paw when you are petting him, and he has a good energy level. Spud has started to receive care for his ears and we're scheduling a surgery to remove the growth on his eyelid. Please check back soon to see how Spud is doing!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pi update

Pi has finally moved out of the vet's office and into a foster home of his own. He is still taking the over-the-counter medications and supplements to keep him comfortable while we continue to pursue other avenues to deal with his cancer. We have contacted the manufacturers of the anti-cancer drugs (Palladia and Masitinib) but they are not able to donate their medications to us for Pi. However, there may be a possibility that Pi will be able to participate in a clinical trial for Masitinib. We're not sure if and when this will take place but we'll update this page when we know more. In the meantime, Pi is making himself at home in the Los Angeles area where he lives with 3 other dogs and where he is being doted on by his foster mom. If you would like to make a donation to help with Pi's treatment, he would appreciate it very much.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A New Life for Trixie

Trixie came into Rescue in April and has spent the last month taking care of her medical needs. This poor girl was in pretty bad shape and still lactating from delivery puppies when she first arrived. Firstly Trixie had
to be treated several times for whipworms. These are very nasty, yet fortunately something that we don¹t see very often. Also this girl had a urinary infection that required more than the normal antibiotics, plus she needed a bi-weekly bath for different skin issues. This was all in addition to being spayed. Trixie is now in a foster home. As you can see from the photos, she is on her way to being healed and looking for a forever home. Take a peek at her profile on our "Available Dogs" site.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lorna update

Lorna is doing very well in her foster home and her leg has healed well. When she came in to rescue, along with her severe leg injury, her teeth were in terrible condition - some broken, some worn down to the gum, some infected. We gave her antibiotics to help with the infection but it became clear at her foster home, she was in pain and needed some of these teeth removed. She has been on antibiotics again to clear up the infection and this coming week, she is scheduled to have several teeth removed. Once she has recovered from this, she will officially be ready for adoption. It's been a LONG road to recovery for this girl but she will be ready. She has been in a wonderful foster home and will be looking for a terrific forever home.