Friday, August 16, 2013

Milani update

Milani had her first ear surgery (total ear canal ablation) this week. We were hoping to get both ears done, but the damage was so extensive that the vet decided it was safer to do one at a time. She’s recovering nicely so far, and will hopefully have the other side done in about two weeks.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Milani scheduled for ear surgery

Meet Milani, a sweet 5-year-old girl who is one of those unfortunate Goldens to suffer from chronic ear infections. Dog that have long standing ear infections can develop irreversible damage to the ear canals, and for Milani, both ear canals have become so swollen and scarred that she is going to need ear canal ablation surgery on both ears. Her ear canals will be removed and this should solve any problems with infections in the future. Although her hearing may be affected, she’ll feel better and should be a much happier dog. She’s scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks and we’ll let you know how she’s doing.

Setback for Button

Our “cute as a Button” has had a setback! She was doing great and enjoying life in her foster home, but due to her compromised immune system she contracted a mild case of Parvo! Thankfully we caught it early and her symptoms weren’t too severe. But, her demodex mange has gotten worse through her illness. Please send good thoughts and wishes for Button (she’s pretty itchy and uncomfortable right now). Despite all this, she's as loving and spunky as ever and charms everyone she meets.