Friday, November 28, 2014

Randall undergoes first surgery

Randall had his first surgery and is now recovering to prepare for his second surgery. His first surgery was a grueling 5 hours. The surgeons decided to repair the right front leg/wrist and right hip. An additional fracture was discovered a bit higher on his right leg so the cast and splint will need to be a bit higher than planned. His FHO surgery on his hip went well and should provide him more stability. His other leg was also prepped for the next surgery while he was under anesthesia so his second surgery will not take so long. Although you see that both legs are splinted, it is only to keep them stabilized. His left front leg will be corrected next. He was mostly sedated the following day of surgery to keep him comfortable but is doing well now with pain medication. Our hopes that he does as well with his second surgery and can come home soon to recover and start his long road of rehabilitation.

We are extremely thankful for those who have given to Randall but he still needs your help!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Randall in the hospital after accident

I am very sad to report that our "gentle giant" Randall has had a very serious accident.

Things were really looking great for Randall when he finally left for a foster home on Saturday. His foster mom and her son picked up Randall and after coaxing him for 25 minutes, we got him loaded in their car for his ride home. Randall is very shy and inexperienced. He was very unfamiliar with a car and getting in was very challenging for him. The amazing thing is that he immediately bonded with the foster home's 11 year old son. Randall went to him right away and kept looking/gazing at him for reassurance and petting. Getting him out of the car was much easier and reports from the foster home the next two days were all very terrific. I kept hearing what a wonderful and perfect dog Randal is. He became very attached to the son, following him around the house and hanging out with him all the time. He loved to go on his walks with both Mom and Son and hang out watching them throw the football back and forth.

It seems that Randall was so attached to his foster brother that one afternoon, when he left the home, Randall decided to follow and the only way he was able to was to go out the upstairs window. He fell to the ground and thanks to some wonderful neighbors and volunteers, Randall was rushed to the hospital. Badly hurt and broken up, Randall suffered a dislocated hip, two broken wrists and some broken and fractured teeth. Randall has been transferred to a surgical center where he will undergo one maybe two surgeries. He is badly swollen and painful but we are keeping him pain free with medication and care and waiting for some of the inflammation to go down before surgery. His road to recovery will be long and challenging and his medical expenses will be substantial. His foster family is dedicated to helping him through his recovery and rehabilitation and will be bringing him home when he is able. He will require medication, special assistance equipment, patience and love.

Randall is in need of your help with funding assistance for his long journey to recovery. Please help if you can.