This morning I went to visit Merry and wow, is her personality coming out now. This girl LOVES her tennis ball and is ready to play. The vet staff is still working with her mobility and she is showing some improvement in her one leg. She still have to be helped when she goes out to go potty but thankfully, she has total control of her bowels and bladder. She is getting stronger by the day and has that happy gleam in her eyes now when her visitors show up. Well, she has that happy smile when anyone goes by, stops to give her a doggy bone, just talks to her. With the holiday coming up this week, I don't know if I will be able to see her until the weekend again and will update with more photos. She sends her thanks to everyone out there who is checking on her.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Casey update!
I went to visit with Casey today and what a surprise. He is up and acting like normal already. This sweet, handsome boy has the happiest disposition. The bandage is still on him and the drain is still in place. That will be checked probably Monday and when the vet feels he doesn't need it any longer, they will remove it. He will be looking for a foster home to finish recuperating and then on to his forever home.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Meet Casey
Casey recently came in to our rescue from a local shelter when his owner did not come to get him. He came directly in to rescue due to a very large lipoma on his chest wall. It needed to be removed so that it would not hamper his ability to walk. We did the initial tests and surgery was performed yesterday. Wow, they weren't kidding about it being large. It weighed 1 pound 3 ounces. It was a lipoma - fatty tumor - which is benign and he has a great future ahead. This boy is so sweet and quite handsome. He will be at the vets for the next week recovering and then move to a foster home when one is located for the remainder of his recovery. Check back for any updates.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Merry loves company
Both I and another volunteer, went to visit with Merry yesterday. She just loves company and is such a people dog. The vet staff has been taking her out now to go potty, which she is doing on her own, and also working with physical therapy to work her muscles in her rear legs. There is movement and feeling there which is great but she is not able to walk on her own yet. We are all very encouraged by her recovery and improvement but she still has a long way to go. Thanks for caring.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Merry doing much better
Today was a very happy day. I went to visit Merry and she is doing so much better. When I went in to her room, she was trying to get up and come see me. She is now going outside to do her business with help from the harness that you can see attached to her. She is receiving rehab work on her muscles daily and has a lot of interaction with the vets and staff at the facility where she is currently located. Merry is such a happy, sweet girl and I was smiling all the way back to the car after seeing her. I will be making another visit this coming weekend and will send some more photos after that visit.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Merry recooperating after surgery
Merry had her surgery to repair her pelvis yesterday and this morning, I went to visit with her and take these photos. She is resting comfortably and now has her long road to recovery ahead of her. They repaired her pelvis with several screws that will stay in to place and stabilize her pelvis. I reviewed the x-rays this morning. This was very complicated surgery and she was in surgery most of yesterday afternoon. I will visit with her again this coming weekend.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Merry update!
This morning I went to visit with Merry and was pleasantly surprised by her improvement. The swelling has gone down in her one leg, and, as you can see, she is sitting up. When I went in to the room to visit with her, she actually tried to come over to see me but I went to her for the visit. She is doing remarkably well and now she is getting ready for her big surgery on Wednesday to repair the multiple fractures in her pelvis. She is getting feeling back in her legs which is remarkable and her body functions are starting to work again. So much trauma to her body and it takes time for the body to start repairing itself. Every day is a surprise and I hope it continues to be.
Thank you to everyone who has been concerned about her. She will be at this vet for her recuperation and healing. It's a big endeavor and she will require a lot of support to make it all happen successfully.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Meet Merry!
Merry recently arrived in rescue from a local shelter. She is a 7 year old girl who had been hit by a car and had multiple injuries - head trauma, multiple fractured pelvis which requires surgery to repair, and many skin abrasions from the accident. Merry is a very sweet girl, and even with all the injuries she is very good with the veterinary staff that is treating her. When she arrived initially on the stretcher, everyone was concerned that her injuries were too severe to help, but she is amazing us with her progress. She now has feeling in her feet and she is showing us that she wants to get up and move around. Now she is not walking but is more alert, shifting her weight, and alert to what everyone is doing. She even had a bath, which I was so surprised to hear. They are working on all her skin abrasions and the edema from the injuries. It's amazing how she is doing and we hope for a good recovery.
Donations would be appreciated to help with her surgery and medical bills. Both Merry and I appreciate all your help.
Donations would be appreciated to help with her surgery and medical bills. Both Merry and I appreciate all your help.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Kassandra update!
Kassie can be very mellow and sweet in the house but she can have bouts of extreme energy, particularly on walks when she sees cats, birds, dogs, people…she becomes almost hysterical (pulling and barking), we are working on it but progress is slow and we really still need to pay attention to her leg as to not re-injure or strain it too much. She is also very playful with her foster brothers where they can get annoyed with her. She would be happiest in a home with an attentive, active family with a big yard to play ball. She loves to play, loves toys and is very curious.....her surgery has done little to slow her down.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Introducing Ursula...
Ursula came in to rescue from a shelter as a stray with eye issues. I’ve included the photos of her when she first came in to rescue so you can see what a beautiful girl she is. I’ve also sent the photo taken the day before the surgery to see the size difference of the eyes. Both eyes had no tear production, resulting in “dry eye”. Since they had not been treated for a long time before coming in to rescue, both eyes had been damaged. The right eye was permanently damaged and hopefully, we can reverse the left eye. She was diagnosed with Glaucoma in the right eye in September. In October she was put on 2 glaucoma medications to hopefully reduce the pressure in the right eye. The left eye does not have glaucoma. On November 17, she had another recheck and the pressure had risen in her right eye dramatically. The eye specialist said it was very painful and that medications were not working. It was recommended that she have the right eye removed to make her more comfortable. The doctor did see an improvement in her left eye with the multiple medications she is receiving in that eye. Currently we don’t know if they can be decreased or this is a lifetime situation to keep her comfortable.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Mikey is doing great!
I went to visit with Mikey today and THE BOY HAS HAIR now. He is looking so much better than when he came in to rescue. At that time, he looked and acted like an old dog but I had his birthday and he had just turned 4. Now he looks and acts like a 3-4 year old boy and oh so sweet. He loves everyone, is good with all sizes of dogs and cats, and totally housebroken. He still has a lot of puppy in him and likes to play. Mikey is still on one medicine for the skin, and his thyroid medicine. His thyroid is very low so he may be on this medicine for life. We are still waiting for the results from his allergy testing and hopefully, will know more in a week or so. He is currently on food for dogs with allergies and that seems to be helping his skin. Mikey was so happy to have visitors today and enjoyed seeing everyone.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Meet Beau!
Beau is a 7 year old boy that we found at a local shelter. He was in an isolated area away from public view due to not being healthy enough for adoption. Beau is terribly underweight. He currently weighs 45 pounds and should gain about 20 pounds or more to be at a healthy weight. In addition, he has some undiagnosed growth on his tongue. Beau is too underweight right now to undergo any type of surgery so we are just keeping an eye on the growth. Beau is currently boarding at our vet’s office where he is receiving good food and excellent care.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Meet Tahoe
Tahoe is a 2-year old stray who was hit by a car and then brought to an area shelter. It was very lucky for him that his injuries did not involved any broken bones. He did have some serious wounds on his hind leg which developed an infection. He also caught kennel cough during his required time at the shelter. When we got him to our vet he was started on antibiotics for both his cough and his injuries and he had to stay in isolation His injured leg is requiring daily treatment with new bandages and medicine being applied.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Kassandra update
Kassy's surgery went very well. On arriving home, her foster mom and another volunteer carried her back into the house and set up a cozy spot for her first night back. She had no appetite and barely lifted her head for water.
Kassy is only allowed to walk to do her business and only on a leash. She does not have too much freedom since she needs to be confined. No jumping, playing, or even much walking. For the first three days after surgery, her incision needed to be iced.
She would like to play with her foster brothers but can only do so laying down and with a referee.
Kassy is only allowed to walk to do her business and only on a leash. She does not have too much freedom since she needs to be confined. No jumping, playing, or even much walking. For the first three days after surgery, her incision needed to be iced.
She would like to play with her foster brothers but can only do so laying down and with a referee.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Wilson healing in foster home
Wilson is now in his foster home and in the final stages of healing from his injuries. As you can see, he is getting ready for Halloween now. He is recovering well and will be on the available page when that is complete.
Thanks for all your kind thoughts and for caring.
Thanks for all your kind thoughts and for caring.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Wilson moves to foster home
Well it's been a long recovery time but our Wilson has now gone to his foster home. We finally were able to take out the last stitches that had been placed where his leg bends at the elbow. They kept opening up and required so much longer to heal. He has finally been given a bath and today he rode off to spend time in his foster home and start looking for his forever home. Thanks for everyone's support and for caring.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Mikey update
Mikey is doing a little better now and some of the test results are coming back. We will be changing his antibiotics. I'm still waiting for the skin cultures to be returned. He is a much happier boy now that he is starting to feel somewhat better. His eyes and ears have been medicated and that is helping. His tail is now wagging and we are all seeing some improvement. He is not ready for a foster home yet, but, hopefully, in a week or two, he will be able to be moved in to one.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Meet Kassandra
Kassandra is a 6-year old female found as a stray and rescued from an area shelter. It was obvious that Kassy has allergies or skin problems. She has some missing and thinning hair. Very noticeably on one side of her snout and face. We have put her on a good diet for common food allergies and started her on some medication that have calmed her skin. We are also thinking that some of her skin problems are related to the anxiety of being lost and in a strange and noisy place as the shelter. So now that she is in a foster home, she is relaxing. Her skin issues were very obvious to us when we first saw Kassy, but we discovered something later, a cruciate tear , after x-rays and specialist consultation. Her limp was not very pronounce so we started her on pain medication in hope that it was a temporary condition. She responded well to the medication but the position of her rear leg while walking showed us enough to investigate further. Kassy is now scheduled for surgery that will require 5-6 weeks recovery.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Meet Mikey!
Mikey arrived in rescue today and in much need of our special care. He came to us from a local shelter and the initial reaction when someone sees him, is "oh dear, how did this boy get in such horrible condition". Upon arrival he had a whole battery of tests to determine what we were treating. He has multiple skin infections, infected ears, and a low thyroid. We immediately started him on antibiotics for the skin, and started treating his low thyroid, plus gave him a medicate bath. He was given a special food that hopefully will help with his allergies, if any, and now we just sit back and wait for tests to be returned and medication to start working.
I know he will start looking and smelling better in time and become that handsome boy that he was as a pup.

I know he will start looking and smelling better in time and become that handsome boy that he was as a pup.

Monday, September 21, 2015
Visit with Wilson
I was able to visit with Wilson this past weekend and he is doing so much better. We still have to keep him at the vets because one area of his leg wound has not healed properly and is taking time to close up. He is just the best boy, so sweet and loves everyone who comes in to visit him. He's great when I brought my own dog up to visit with him. He will need a foster home as soon as the doctor is ready to release him. Wilson appears to be housebroken, and has very good manners.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Rogan update
Rogan has been responding well to his foot wraps. Almost all of the skin has grown back except for a very small area about the size of a dime. We expect that last remaining open area to heal up in no time. Rogan's foot will always look a little different than the other ones because of all it's been through, but he is able to use it without difficulty. Because Rogan lifts his leg a little higher than normal when he walks, we are currently checking the rest of his leg and hip to make sure there are no other issues that need to be corrected. Currently, Rogan is living in a wonderful foster home where he is doing very well with the resident dogs and cat. As soon as we make sure everything is ok with his leg, Rogan will be actively pursuing a home to call his own.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Wilson much better
I went to visit Wilson this morning and, even though these photos don't show it, he is doing much better. The doctor sedated him yesterday and cleaned up the wound again, then they put in a drain and are now leaving the bandage off. He will have an E-Collar on all the time and we are only removing it when we spend time with him. Even during that time, we have to make sure he does not lick it or chew at the wound. It needs time to heal. I would say he will need at least another week in the vets to heal and then, hopefully, he can be moved to a foster home to continue healing. Thank you for caring.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Wilson update #2
Today I visited with Wilson and he is now eating on his own, up and moving around more, and enjoying all the attention. His fever has gone down in the last day and he is slowly healing but it will take a long time. The wound is very extensive and very deep. Because of where the location is, it is very hard to keep a bandage on it. Today, when I saw him, he had both the bandage on his leg and a sling over his body to keep the bandage in place. When his doctor determines that he has healed enough, we will proceed to the next step in his treatment. Right now he is only going outside, for a short potty break, with the staff at the veterinary hospital and enjoys visits with the volunteers who sit with him and spend time with him. He is being kept in a isolation room where he is away from other animals and he can see the staff during the day and they can observe him.
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